DONUT DATE | Beechwood Donuts
My best friend Molly and I decided it would be a good idea to dedicate one hangout just for donuts and The Mindy Project!
Crazy? Nah.
While I was at work, she stood in line outside in the rain at Beechwood Donuts (because that's how busy they are) to get us a delicious box of donuts. Now, they don't have just any kind of donuts, they have 100% VEGAN DONUTS!
The variety of flavours that they have is just crazy and unique. The ones Molly got are:
- Pistachio
- French Toast
- Strawberries n' Cream
- Banana Chocolate Chip Fritter
- Samoa (salted caramel, toasted coconut and chocolate)
- S'mores
- Cookies & Cream
- Coconut Cream